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Friday, October 1, 2010

A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 : Freddy's Revenge

2:58 PM |

Jesse Walsh and his family have moved into Nancy Thompson's old house on Elm Street. No sooner are they moved in than Jesse begins to have horrific nightmares - ones that feature a burned man in a dirty red & green sweater, with knives on the fingers of his right hand.

His neighbor & new sweetheart, Lisa, discovers the truth behind Fred Krueger and his horrible murder spree. Freddy vows to take over Jesse's body to continue his vile crimes against the Elm Street residents. Soon, people close to Jesse start dying violently. Will Lisa's love for Jesse be enough to help him overpower the demonic presence inside him?

Director : Jack Sholder
Writers : David Chaskin,Wes Craven
Release Date : 1 November 1985 (USA)
Genre : Fantasy | Horror | Thriller
Cast : Kim Myers,Robert Englund,Sydney Walsh,Christie Clark

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